
Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Day 26~ Z is for Zeppelin (Led Zeppelin)

I don't have much to say about Led Zeppelin except for they are sheer awesomeness. My favorite songs are Kashmir and Stairway to Heaven. Kashmir is just very energetic and intense, it's just so... beautiful *sniffles*  And Stairway to Heaven is Soooooooooooo gorgeous and beautiful. It makes me tear up every time I hear it because it brings back good memories. Check out Kashmir Here and Stairway to Heaven Here
Kashmir, Led Zeppelin

Stairway to Heaven, Led Zeppelin
ASDSKJF I just love these songs so much! Anyways this is day twenty-six of the A-to-Z ChallengeWow! Today is the last day of the A-to-Z Challenge! I hope you enjoyed! Check the creators out here. Also, Click for our youtube trailer here and out instagram here. We posted everyday, except sunday, each with the first letter starting with the following letter of the alphabet. Thanks for reading today :) TTYL!
~Melody Page

1 comment:

  1. So many great Zeppelin songs, how to choose? I really like Ramble On and I Can't Quit You Baby...Zeppelin doing the blues is pure heaven.
